Stress and Vitality Training Workshops
12-18 hours
(Two to three full-days or three to five half-days)
Making sense of of workplace change and uncertainties.
Discovering stress physiology of change.
Mastering the art of turing stress into success and vitality.
Learninig skills to turn worry & victim feelings into winner actions.
Handling workplace rumors.
Turning disengagement into re-engagement
Finding satisfaction at work and at home.
Win-win commmunications and actions.
Making Change Successful not Stressful (MCSS): Mastering the art of turning stress, uncertainty & change into
success and vitality
5 hours
Abbreviated live or on-line version of Making Change Successful (MCS)
Vitality in Stressful Careers
Learning skills to transform work stress into satisfaction and success.
2 hours
Success for Stressful Careers
1 hour
Lunch-&-Learn version of VSC
Follow-up Training
1 to 4 hours
As needed follow-up training for MCS and Change-ability courses
Team development & Win-win problem solving
Support the team and manager in steps for integrating the Win-Win Problem Solving process into routine team operations.