Your Staff
Twenty-one skill sets contained in the MCS seven-building-blocks curriculum
1 - Accept that on-going changes / challenges really have happened by seeing that others have experienced the same challenging changes.
2 - Understand and accept that feelings of increased stress (anger, insecurity, depressed mood) are a completely normal response, shared by everyone, to abnormal, uncertain circumstances.
3 - Recognize and accept that sometimes feeling like a Victim of change is normal (especially in the earlier stages), as is the desire to make the changes work out, to become stronger (a change Winner) in the process.
4 - Accept that feelings of being a Pessimist / Victim versus an Optimist / Winner is, to a great extent, a matter of personal CHOICE.
5 - Choose a clear and motivating mental picture of themselves being, and being seen as, a Winner, i.e. someone who, by and large, responds to change in a constructive, self-serving way.
6 - Must know how to make their feelings and self-concept more consistently positive by choosing and taking self-affirming actions.
7 - Know how to realistically identify and take action on their specific, recurring worries, short circuiting self-perpetuating stress.
8 - Are motivated and able to monitor and to control their stress level, at its root source, on an on-going basis.
9 - Accept that the "good old days" of the old workplace (a) are largely gone, and (b) wouldn't work very well in today's conditions anyway.
10 - Are informed, skeptical consumers of workplace rumors.
11 - Recognize that most people (a) are not aware, in actionably concrete terms, of what gives them satisfaction at work and, therefore, (b) miss a great deal of work satisfaction that is potentially available to them via self-discovery.
12 - Know in specific terms (a) what gives them, as a unique person, satisfaction in their day-to-day work experience (their work "satisfiers"), (b) how much control they personally have over experiencing their unique work satisfiers, and (c) what actions they can confidently take to increase their daily satisfaction at work.
13 - Know how to more assertively and respectfully seek their own individual satisfiers in day-to-day work relationships by framing and expressing their aims in ways which reflect their awareness of and commitment to not only their own satisfiers but also the satisfiers of their relationship partners.
14 - Recognize that their likelihood of getting more satisfaction at work can be further increased to the extent they can count on the support of their co-workers, managers, and team.
15 - Recognize they each have specific, personally unique strengths, some of which are valued and depended upon by co-workers and managers.
16 - Recognize that the norms of their team, defining what is "satisfying" (i.e. productive and enjoyable) for the team, offer each of a team's members opportunities to apply their individual strengths in ways which will be recognized and supported by the team.
17 - Can identify the specific satisfiers in their own work team, i.e. those team satisfiers which define how their team would visibly function if it were a "Win-Win 10", dealing with change in ways that are highly satisfying and productive.
18 - Can identify specific situations in procedures, technology, or work environment which unnecessarily drain both productivity and satisfaction, which are specific Lose-Lose barriers to the team's functioning as a "10“
19 - Can identify and propose specific, manageable measures to remove or reduce these specific Lose-Lose barriers, and propose the corresponding Win-Win solutions.
20 - Are involved, at their team manager's initiation, in an on-going process of Win-Win problem solving, moving their team closer to being a "10" (both highly productive as well as satisfying).
Staff and their Managers...
21 - Follow through consistently to implement solutions and to monitor their progress against (a) indicators in their Team-as-a-Ten "team portrait" and (b) their indicators of expected Win-Win ROI in their team.